3 ways to eat quinoa

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Add quinoa to salads If your salads just aren’t filling (or tasty) enough, add cooked and cooled quinoa to your salad, along with a flavour-packed dressing. Here are 12 easy tricks to make salad more interesting. Make breakfast porridgeQuinoa isn’t […]


Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) and other ancient grains, such as amaranth, barley, and farro are rapidly growing in popularity because of their wide array of health benefits.Ancient grains are referred to as such because they have remained largely unchanged for hundreds or even thousands of years. Quinoa was known to the Incas as “the mother of […]

11 Benefits of Peruvian Cacao

Cocoa is thought to have first been used by the Maya civilization of Central America. It was introduced to Europe by Spanish conquerors in the 16th century and quickly became popular as a health-promoting medicine. Cocoa powder is made by crushing cocoa beans and removing the fat or cocoa butter. Today, cocoa is most famous […]

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